The first part worked--with the 'suppress'
the sum part..i'm confused...If I add a running total of
evaluate on change of field = 'suppress'
and drop that running total on each line item---it just adds it quantity with the previous--
ex- by the end of item description shampoo it shows 391 (thats the amount I want)
I changed the Report Totals reset to on change of group Invitem.Description
Now the issue with the running total is:
there is one service called 'charge' where i cant take the quantity total as given by the running total--or even adding up the quantity myself. Its:
x = Qty charge - (Qty wash + Qty of Shampoo)
what i have in place for that in my org file:
Invoice Items Qty Sum:
if {INVITEMS.DESCRIPTION} like "*charge" then
{@Dif Qty charge}
Dif Qty charge
Qty Charge
if {INVITEMS.DESCRIPTION} like "*charge" then (numberVar charge := ((Sum ({INVITEMS.QUANTITY}, {INVITEMS.DESCRIPTION}))*1));
Qty Wash
if {INVITEMS.DESCRIPTION} like "*Wash" then (numberVar Wash:= ((Sum ({INVITEMS.QUANTITY}, {INVITEMS.DESCRIPTION}))*1));
Qty Shampoo
if {INVITEMS.DESCRIPTION} like "*Shampoo" then (numberVar shampoo := ((Sum ({INVITEMS.QUANTITY}, {INVITEMS.DESCRIPTION}))*1));
I had the Invoice Items Qty Sum running the total qty for a single service/part.
The Items Qty that arises with the running total is do i reflect..that one stupid item
And how do I pass the given Running total so that its one whole number and not different for each line item?