Hi Good Guys
I am using VBNet2008 and Crystal Report 9.
Due to lack of experience and knowledge, I encounter another puzzling problem. It's regarding REFERENCE DLL.
On the VBNet2008 ToolBar menu option, I click on PROJECT then ADD REFERENCE and under ADD REFERENCE Dialog screen, under .NET TAG droplist I selected CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.
On the VBNET FORM I couldn't find the CrystalReportViewer control on the ToolBox.
My question is what CrystalReport DLLS am I supposed to select from the ADD REFERENCE dialog screen and under which TAG, .NET or COM ?
I am asking because the Office Hardware Operator swapped my old PC for a new PC and freshly install VbNET2008 and Crystal Report .
Please provide me a list of DLLs by name to select. Thank you.