Hi, I have a report which will obtain following set of data, for example:
NumberPacking CasePackingDesc Amount
2 Bottle 32kg
1 Bottle 10kg
2 Case 10kg
TOTAL 3 Bottle 52kg
2 Case
I have problem generating the TOTAL of 3 bottle and 2 case. I would like to write a formula field to return the result, but I don't know how to loop though all the records in the record sets.
Here is the formula field I have done so far:
Local stringVar temp := "";
Local numberVar i;
for i:= 1 to DistinctCount({Table.CasePackingDesc}) step 1 do
temp := temp + CStr (Sum ({@NumberPacking})) + {Table.CasePackingDesc} + Chr(13);
It basically return the same CasePackingDesc for 2 times.
Any idea on this will be greatly appreciated, thanks!